
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Going on the Recovery Route after an Effective Teeth Whitening Operation

Undergoing a teeth whitening procedure may be one of the most interesting dental treatments you’ve ever had. Your dental practitioner will have guided you on the nuances of the procedure and how to go through with it. The treatment may even include home-based solutions involving special trays and a bleaching agent, plus return visits. However, since you have invested a great deal into the procedure, its up to you to make it last, especially with the period after the opening leg of the treatment.

A cosmetic dentistry practitioner will stress that the first 36 to 48 hours after your appointment is critical to the success of the procedure; it allows the teeth time to harden their coverings. In this respect, steer clear of any food or drink known to leave hard stains on anything white. They include coffee, tea, soda, blueberries, and even dark candy. Fibrous fruit and vegetables like carrots, broccoli, apples and oranges help preserve the enamel. If you love drinking red wine, do a water rinse instead of brushing to help purge the acids that come with the wine.

If your dentist recommended home treatment solutions, follow the instructions to the letter. Do not experiment with applying greater doses of chemical into the bleaching tray. Your dentist can allow taking painkillers such as ibuprofen at least an hour before bleaching to combat the sensitivity.

 Bleaching may help give full meaning to the term “pearly whites.” If done properly, you may achieve a gigawatt smile you only see in ads.

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