
Monday, December 15, 2014

Bad Breath Is Not A Quirk!

Are you still suffering from bad breath, even if you religiously brush twice a day? For some people this routine might be enough to fight dental carries. And, if brushing does not cut it this can only mean one thing: food particles get stuck on the teeth’s pits and fissures. This matter should be taken seriously, because it means bad breath is no longer your biggest problem. Food fermented becomes acid that build plaque, a yellow layer of film that causes discoloration, which later turns into gingivitis and so on.

An Easy Fix Towards The Matter.

Avoid this by adding more procedures to your cleaning routine, aside from brushing, like flossing and rinsing. Using these tools should be enough, but for more effectiveness you must learn how to use them properly.

Don’t just remove food from the shallowest part of the tooth by brushing. Do it right with these techniques:

- Brushing time should be at least 2 minutes minimum.

- Use soft bristles, and place it on teeth at a 45 degree angle.

- Brush them back and forth in a gentle pressure to ensure gums aren’t hurt.

- Remember to brush chewing surfaces.

- Clean the inside surface of your front teeth by tilting your brush vertically and make up and down strokes.

Rinsing with mouthwash is much more effective when done right.

- Use the proper amount with the help of a dispenser

- Dilute if necessary, different brands vary in concentration levels. Remember: it’s better to dilute as lower concentrations aren’t that effective in killing germs.

Flossing may be the most effective tool you have as it literally seeks out food particles and extracts it. Use it wisely with these steps:

- Use 18” of dental floss and wrap it around your index fingers and leave 2’’ to 4” in between.

- Hold the flows toughly between your thumbs and index fingers and gently slide it between teeth.

- Slowly move the floss up and down while gliding in each tooth.

- Curve it to make sure it’s dipped beneath the gum line.

To be sure that your new oral hygiene routine would be effective, visiting a smile makeover expert like Thomas DeFinnis, DMD will recommend the add-ons you may not have thought of. Things like fluoride concentration on the mouthwash and toothpaste that will respond to your set of teeth properly. Or with flosses, should you use ones with wax, thin sheets, or thick. Though these tweaks may seem insubstantial, you need to remember they do matter as they can make the difference.

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