
Friday, September 4, 2015

The Negative Effects of Energy Drinks

If you thought your teeth would always be in good condition so long as you’re not a regular soda drinker, new studies reveal how your favorite energy drinks could also be common causes for tooth decay. We at WynneWood Dental Arts would like you to keep these things in mind every time you’re about to open that bottle of Gatorade.

Energy Drinks Tarnish Tooth Enamel

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and contains the highest percentage of minerals, 96% to be specific. It helps protect the teeth from chewing, biting and grinding. However, due to the high level of acid found in energy drinks, it causes more damage than coffees and sodas. A damaged enamel is prone to cracks and fractures which allow bacteria to creep in and cause other serious dental issues to arise.

Too Much Energy Drinks Cause Sensitivities

Our tooth enamel is also responsible in protecting our teeth from extreme temperatures and chemicals. Without protection, teeth are more vulnerable “to the elements” and sensitivities can develop. This can serve to create pain when eating certain foods (such as ice cream) or drinking cold beverages.

Energy Drinks May Quicken Decay

A worn-down enamel results to tooth decay. Both the carbonation and highly acidic ingredients in the drinks can cause tooth decay. Without strong, pro-active dental habits, energy drinks can quickly begin to contribute to the rotting of teeth.

With this, make sure to cut way back on your energy drink consumption, if you can’t stop it all together. Also, practice better oral health and visit your dentist regularly. We look forward to having the pleasure of providing you with smile makeovers! Feel free to check out today.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Have Healthy Teeth and an Equally Healthy Wallet

Are your regular trips to the dentist becoming a heavy burden for your wallet? Save money on your next dental trip with these following tips:

1. Find Discount Plans

GMS Dental Centers CEO Grant Sadler says discount dental plans are very effective, and depending on the services provided, it could even be better than insurance. There are no annual limits, and exclusions differ from one plan to another.

2. Get Routine Dental Checkups

This may sound ironic, but having regular visit to your dentist can help you save money. Dental Care Alliance chief dental officer Keith Labou explains that going for routine checkups gives dentists the opportunity to make early diagnoses, thus making it less pricey compared to after the condition has worsened. More serious dental problems become more complex procedures which translate to more costs.

3. Ask Your Dentist for Deals

Asking your dentist if they have any discount deals wouldn’t hurt. For some clinics, they experience slow times of the week or month where they offer discounted fees to help fill empty space.

4. Take Care of Your Teeth

If you really want to cut down on your dental costs, invest time and effort in taking care of your teeth and gums. Brush every after meal or at least twice a day, floss regularly, switch out your toothbrush every three to four months, and stay away from food and drinks that are damage your teeth. These good habits will eventually pay off, saving you less time on the dentist’s chair.

For wallet-friendly cosmetic dentistry, visit our website:

Friday, July 31, 2015

Dental Myths, Exposed

Of course we all want to look good and sport our very own pretty pearly whites, that’s why some people might take dental care a little too far by believing in dental myths and having them end up backfiring. We aim to help you finally separate fact from fiction by demystifying the most common dental myths – one by one!

Myth #1: White teeth is equivalent to healthy teeth

Though toothpaste commercials are all full of attractive men and women smiling at each other with glistening white teeth, white teeth doesn’t necessarily mean that your oral health is all right and you have nothing to worry about. The natural color of teeth differs from one person to another where people with healthy teeth could have darker teeth than the next person, so you’ll never be sure.

Myth #2: Teeth whitening will damage my enamel

With new technological developments, teeth whitening has gotten much safer as both over-the-counter and in-office products have evolved. Consulting a trusted and experienced cosmetic dentist about possible treatment options will make you feel a lot safer. The tip is to make sure that your teeth are in the right hands.

Myth #3: There is no need to brush milk teeth

Even though your child will lose their milk teeth, they still have to be brushed. Brush your baby's teeth twice daily from the moment their first tooth cuts through. To ensure life-long dental health, establishing healthy dental habits early in life is totally necessary.

Myth #4: Flossing is not important

Flossing is probably the most underrated step in taking care of our teeth, where in fact it is one of the most relevant. Skipping flossing before or after brushing our teeth can lead to bacteria build-up, which leads to more serious problems including tooth decay. Flossing is cheap, easy and absolutely necessary to maintain good oral health, so it doesn’t make sense why people tend to not realize its importance.

Do yourself a favor by learning to separate dental myths from facts. It is important to make an effort to show your love to your pearly whites, but don’t forget to visit the dentist regularly. For the best cosmetic dentistry services in Pennsylvania, don’t hesitate to visit

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Floss like a Boss

We always hear about flossing every time we visit the dentist. Most of the time they’d ask, “Have you been flossing regularly?” “You’re bleeding because you don’t floss”, they’d always say. For a lot of patients, flossing has always been a very hard task to accomplish. In fact, a recent survey conducted last June revealed that 27% of us Americans are fibbing about flossing to our dentists! And more than a third would rather partake in enjoyable activities like doing the dishes, listening to a screaming kid on an airplane, or sitting in traffic than regularly scrape between our teeth. Which makes us think, is flossing really that terrible?

The Right Time to Floss

One spokesman for the American Dental Association told the Times that it’s preferable to floss first. Why? People will be less likely to skip flossing than if they wait until after brushing. On the other hand, the Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of Periodontics and Endodontics in the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Buffalo, Sebastian Ciancio, told that flossing either before or after brushing does not make any difference in the efficacy. Basically, as long as you floss at least once a day every day, you’re going to minimize the nasty bacteria clinging to your teeth. Come on, taking two minutes of your time to floss every day is not that complicated, so you might as well do it for the sake of your oral health.

Benefits of Flossing

The benefits of flossing are indefinite, but they sure are real. We all know the benefits of brushing our teeth, but there is one setback: A toothbrush's bristles can't adequately clean between the teeth or under the gums. This is where flossing comes in, as it can remove plaque from those tight spaces. If you’re too lazy to floss, expect plaque build-up from now on, which can lead to cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease could lead to more complex problems like heart disease, diabetes and a high body mass index. Now would you want that?

To get a total smile makeover, the work has to start with you first. The next step is to find a trusted and friendly dentist who is very willing to help you achieve a whiter teeth and a better oral health overall. For cosmetic dentistry and other dental services, seek the help of Dr. DeFinnis. Visit for more details. Happy flossing!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Fear Nothing with Sedation Dentistry

How can you achieve 100% oral health when you feel afraid of the dentist? Amidst all the advanced discoveries addressed to ease the pain of dental procedures, a lot of people are still anxious to get checkups for oral health improvement. Many factors can cause this fear, such as past traumatic dental experience, the clinical environment, and even overheard stories about dental treatments.

On the other hand, medical practitioners are extending so much effort to help their patients. They want people to appreciate the value of oral health and the consequences of disregarding it. Gone are the days that we can proudly say “No pain, no gain”. The dental industry has introduced sedation dentistry.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Obviously, the primary reason to opt for sedation is to overcome fear. A stress-free operation would be favorable for both the dentist and the patient. Going through the experience without recollection of it is a side effect of sedation that patients consider a rewarding perk.

Part of the procedure involves having an increased pain threshold so that the dentists can perform the necessary procedures without pausing because the patient is experiencing discomfort. Longer procedures mean fewer appointments in the following days. While the patient is under the influence of sedatives, the dentist can do all the procedures needed, being assured that the patient is feeling relaxed. This is recommended for busy individuals who cannot find time for smile makeovers because of home and work duties.

Fewer appointments can help you save lots of money. Sedation may be a bit more costly, but having longer procedure gives dentists the chance to execute all the necessary dental work and cleaning. Thus, visiting the clinic for follow up treatments would not be necessary.

How Do I Know if I am a Candidate?

The best option you have is to consult the medical professionals. Set aside your fear and pay a visit at Wynnewood Dental Arts. Dr. DeFinnis will explain the process of sedation dentistry as well as other treatments that might suit your oral health condition. We provide quality and extensive care for our patients, making sure that they will leave our clinic with extra confidence brought by their brand new smiles.

Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Overcome Dental Fear

Many Americans neglect their oral health because of dental fear. Even some of those who visit their dentist on a regular basis still endure apprehension when facing their tooth fairies.

On the other hand, oral health issues are inevitable. So whether we want it or not, we have to consult a dental practitioner every few months. This would not be an easy ride for those who feel frightened by needles and the clinical environment.

It takes Two to Tango

Dentists encounter patients with dental phobia almost every day. This is not a unique case for them. In fact, they have developed physical and psychological techniques to comfort their patients while undergoing treatments.

  • Dentists will let you consider them as a friend • They will keep on asking you things while your mouth is widely open
  • The distraction technique which involves recreational activities while undergoing treatment
  • They offer anesthetics to keep you calm
  • Sedation dentistry for those who want a painless smile makeover

As a patient, you can figure out other ways to can manage your fear of dentists.

  • Consider talking to a dentist about your oral health condition
  • Appoint regular check-ups to diminish the uneasy feeling of dealing with medical practitioners
  • Seek information on what to expect when you have to go through a certain treatment
  • Help yourself to get rid of your fear, it’s all in the mind

Schedule a time to Talk with a Dentist

Set a schedule to consult with your dentist. Forget the fear--there’s no harm in trying! The earlier you learn about your situation, the more time you have to prepare for what is coming next. Wynnewood Dental Arts offers exclusive solutions for various cases of dental fears and anxiety. Do not hesitate to contact us and let Dr. DeFinnis explain how sedation dentistry can help you.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Foods to Avoid

You have been told ever since you were a kid that sugar is not good for your teeth. But have you ever thought about dried fruits, bread, or popcorn to be somehow bad for your pearly whites? In addition to brushing and flossing twice a day, one of the great things you can do for your teeth to keep it healthy is to know what foods are good and bad for your teeth. So what foods do you need to avoid?

  1. Bread- if you didn’t know, bread contains sugar. Especially processed white breads. They are also sticky and can get between your teeth.
  2. Hard candies- they are harmful to your teeth not because there’s sugar but because you tend to hold them in your mouth longer.
  3. Apples- they are high in acid and they can be hard on your enamel.
  4. Carbonated soft drinks- a can of Pepsi or Coke has 10 teaspoons of sugar while diet soft drinks are loaded with phosphoric and citric acid.
  5. Popcorn- kernels get stuck in between your teeth and if they stay in there for a long time, they can lead to infection and even an abscess,

You may not be able to avoid these foods but you should know the right thing to do to keep your teeth healthy. Timing is important in maintaining a healthy mouth. The longer you give those foods to inflict damage, the more it will be successful in doing so. Knowledge is prevention. For a complete oral health care and smile makeovers, visit Wynnewood Dental Arts.

Monday, May 18, 2015

How does Food Damage Your Teeth

Did you know that your eating habits and food choices play an important role in your oral health? The foods you choose and how often you eat them affects the health of your teeth and gums. There are healthy foods that can actually be some of the worst foods for your teeth. Foods that give you fuel for your system can be bad for your oral health because of the acid.

Acid can erode your teeth’s enamel and start to develop as cavities and tooth decay. Brushing and flossing twice a day is the basic way to keep your mouth healthy. But there are foods that can cause damage that needs thorough cleaning. There are two components that could stain your teeth: sugar and acid. Sucrose is the worst form of sugar that sticks to teeth very strongly making it hard to remove just by brushing.

Acids can be found naturally in foods, including fruit. In this case, bacteria don’t produce acid and cause tooth decay. It eats ways your teeth’s enamel and make your teeth weak to break down. You can wash away acids by simply drinking water but brushing right away after eating acidic foods can cause more damage. Wait at least an hour before you do so. Your teeth are porous, so take care of them. Visit Wynnewood Dental Arts for any smile makeovers you need.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Smile Reborn, The Gift of Cosmetic Dentistry

With the availability of cosmetic dentistry and the vast extent of services it offers, no one should hide their smiles anymore. No matter what kind of cosmetic dentistry procedure you chose, there are many benefits attached to them that aren’t limited to a picture perfect smile. There are 3 major categories that these benefits can be summed into:

Improve Your Health

Not addressing issues like a chipped tooth or a malocclusion can lead to more problems than just hiding your smile. By getting your teeth fixed you can avoid health related conditions such as excessive headaches and joint pain from temporomandibular joint disorders.

Improve Your Appearance

The term “cosmetic dentistry” itself already means improving your aesthetics. Teeth whitening, veneers, and bridges can alter the way you look. Going to a dentist who specializes in these procedures will guarantee that you will love the results. Plus, with sleep dentistry available as an option, you can wake up from these procedures with a new smile you can proudly wear.

A Confidence Boost

The way you feel about yourself will be improved drastically. A simple teeth whitening procedure can leave you smiling for days as your confidence in yourself and your appearance will be given a boost. A healthy smile is a great asset because you will be more confident during social interactions. Say goodbye to that crooked smile and say hello to a beautiful grin and live a happier and healthier smile, thanks to cosmetic dentistry.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What You Need to Know About Malocclusion

Occlusion is the termed used to refer to the alignment of teeth. Ideally, teeth should be able to fit the mouth without any crowding or spacing in between them. Malocclusion occurs when there is something wrong with the alignment of your pearly whites. Other terms for malocclusion are: crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, crossbite, overbite, underbite, or open bite. The misalignment of teeth is usually genetic in nature.

Other Causes of Malocclusion

Although malocclusion is normally inherited, there are other conditions and habits that can also alter the shape and structure of the jaw. Some examples of these are:
  • Overuse of pacifier by children over the age of 3
  • A cleft lip and palate
  • Prolonged bottle feeding and thumb sucking during early childhood
  • Serious injuries that causes the misalignment of the jaw
  • Tumors in the mouth and jaw area
  • Poor dental care
Symptoms of Malocclusion

The symptoms of malocclusion can vary, depending on the classification and cause of the misalignment. Here are some typical symptoms, which can vary from subtle to severe:
  • Change in the appearance and shape of the face
  • Discomfort while chewing or biting
  • Speech problems like lisping
  • Breathing through the mouth instead of the nose

Treatment Options

If you have noticed some of the symptoms mentioned above, you should consult with your dentist for treatment options. Cosmetic dentistry is a wide field that can offer total smile makeovers for those who want to correct their occlusion. Such options are as follows:
  • Braces to correct teeth positioning
  • Teeth removal to correct overcrowding
  • Surgeries for the serious cases that require reshaping or shortening of the jaw
  • Using wires or plates to stabilize the jaw bone

 No matter what the case, cause, or classification of your malocclusion is a visit to your dentist will be life changing.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Toothache Remedies

Have you ever had that moment when everything was fine until your teeth started aching? Nothing can ruin someone’s day than having a sudden toothache. If ever you cannot go to your dentist immediately after feeling the toothache, these tips can help you lessen the pain or feel temporary relief.

Salt Water

The first home remedy that you can use is salt water. The components of salt help alleviate the inflammation in the gums. This helps lessen the pain of the toothache and also help stop the spread of bacteria in your oral cavity. To do this, mix a heaping teaspoon of table salt with a cup of warm water. Swish this solution in your mouth for 30 seconds and spit it out. Do this process repeatedly as necessary throughout the day.

Clove Oil

This may sound new to you, but clove oil is an age-old remedy for tooth pain. To do this solution, mix 2-3 drops of clove oil with a ¼ teaspoon of olive oil. After that, soak a cotton ball with the oil mixture. Place the cotton ball near the aching tooth and bite down to keep it in place. Clove oil has an anti-bacterial properties and also acts as a mild local anesthetic. These remedies are all temporary. Always visit your doctor to have your teeth checked. Sedation dentistry is among some dental procedures that can help you in going through the pain.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Smile Again with Cosmetic Dentistry

Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, everyone can enjoy the more beautiful and confident smile that they have always wanted. However, cosmetic dentistry is not just about making your teeth beautiful and smile-ready; there are also other benefits that you can get when you undergo cosmetic dentistry.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Improving Your Child’s Dental Health

Part of being a parent is to introduce dental care to your child at an early age. Starting early means preventing dental risks and problems. According to national studies, one out of four children suffers from at least one cavity by the age of four. In order to raise awareness for the significance of dental health for children, February was named National Children’s Dental Health Month. To follow this proclamation of dental awareness, here are some ways on how to help parents keep their children’s teeth and gums healthy.

Follow the 2-2-2 Rule

The 2-2-2 rule is composed of bringing your child to the dentist twice a year and have them brush and floss twice a day for two minutes. This helps them understand that taking care of their teeth is important and good for them. In order to encourage brushing at your household, try setting goals. Put a brushing calendar and reward your child when they achieved them.

Baby’s First Brush

Even before your baby had their first teeth, you can already keep their mouth and gums clean. Just simply run a damp washcloth gently over the gums of your baby to help clear away bacteria. When that time comes and the first teeth is out, clean it gently with a soft-bristle tooth brush and plain water.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Foods to Eat for Your Teeth

Sufficient nutrition is important in the prevention of a disease. Ongoing research shows that nutrients found in vegetables, fruits and nuts can strengthen the immunity and improve the body’s capability to fight bacteria and infections. It can also help protect the teeth and gums. It is important to know and understand how food can affect your oral health.

Good nutrition is essential and beneficial for your oral health as well as to your overall health. Include fresh produce, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and lean meats in your diet. These foods contribute to a more alkaline state in your body, which defends against bacteria. Try to avoid foods with food coloring, artificial sweeteners and preservatives, as well as those withhigh sugar-content. These foods contribute to a more acidic state, which promotes the growth of bacteria.

Foods that take a long time to chew can damage your teeth because they hold sugar against your teeth longer than other foods. And instead of snacking on sweets throughout the day, eat them only during meal times to minimize the amount of time your teeth are exposed to acids. Lastly, drink a lot of water. It is as effective as a mouthwash, swishing away stuck particles from your teeth. And keeping your gums hydrated while stimulating saliva production.

For the best dental care that provides teeth whitening, family dentistry and more, visit Wynnewood Dental Arts.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Keeping Your Teeth and Mouth Healthy

A healthy smile can do wonders not only for you but to other people as well. As you grow old, you might neglect doing the right practices to keep your mouth and teeth healthy and away from possible complications. With good oral hygiene, your teeth are clean and free of debris, bad breath is not a problem and your gums are pink and do not hurt nor bleed when brushing or flossing. Keep them healthy with these few tips.

Develop and follow an oral health routine. Make it easy for you so you won’t feel lazy doing it. Use fluoride as much as possible. It strengthens the teeth and prevents tooth decay for both children and adults. Brushing and flossing are the foundations of good oral care. Brush your pearly whites at least twice a day, morning and before bed time, and floss at least once. Eat a healthy diet and eat fewer foods that contains sugar. If you’re smoking, quit it. It doesn’t only affect your mouth, but it affects your general health. Last but not least, visit your dentist regularly.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your mouth. Keep your teeth healthy at Wynnewood Dental Arts.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening Available at Wynnewood Dental Arts

Caring about your appearance is not just a matter of vanity. With your smile, you show those around your feelings. Studies show that people with attractive smiles are considered more friendly, intelligent and successful. With Philips Zoom Quick Whitening, a more beautiful smile can be achieved. The first step toward a more beautiful smile is a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. DeFinnis.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Keep Your Family Smiling!

Part of having a family is assuring that you and your family are safe from any form of harm, violence, and health related problem. In terms of health, various facilities are offering services and assistance focused on your family’s well-being to help you and yours healthy and well. Children should be a priority when it comes to health concerns. They need all the assistance and medical attention for their development. Bringing them to the dentist is one of the most important things you can do for your child’s health.

Having a Family Dentist

Family dentistry gives your family the chance to be exposed to medical assistance in a more accessible way. Children who are exposed at an early age can help them overcome the fear of the dentist that are common to children. They become more comfortable in the surroundings and the dentist more when they have known both since they were young. Having a family dentist also saves you time and effort. As your child grows, your family dentist can keep track of your their development. You can guarantee that your child will receive the proper amount of dental care and attention by having a family doctor.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Teeth Replacement Options

Missing teeth aren’t only an aesthetic problem; they can also cause a multitude of other problems. Complications from missing teeth can range from crooked smiles to the deterioration of the jaw bone, hence making it important to address the issues. Fortunately there are several options available to remedy the situation. Contact your dentist for a consultation to see which option is the best for you.

Friday, January 2, 2015

How Sedation Dentistry Helps You

It is common knowledge that there are people, children and adults alike, who fear even the thought of going to the dentist. Just the thought of entering the room, sitting on the dentist chair, getting surrounded by the shizzles and fizzles of all the dental equipment; these things can make a person feel scared and could cause stress and anxiety. Fear of the dentist, however simple as it seems, is one of the main causes of bad dental health. Luckily, technology has come up with a solution for people who suffer from anxiety and stress in dealing with dental fear.

Lessen Your Fear with Sedation Dentistry

You will feel more at ease and calm through the help of sedation dentistry. While sitting on the dentist chair, you will start to get a little drowsy and sleepy with the help of nitrous oxide or sleeping gas. This will help calm your nerves and get more relaxed for the procedure.

Painless Both for You and Your Wallet

Sedation dentistry is known to be a painless procedure and happens only in a shorter period of time. Another benefit that you can get from undergoing a sedation dentistry is saving more money. Although it is given that undergoing several treatments could cost money, sleep dentistry helps you cut down the expenses significantly. You won’t have to visit your dentist more often because he/she can now complete procedures in a shorter amount of time.